
Aware of Christianity in some cultural contexts but do not want to learn more about it. Generally apathetic toward Christianity, not hostile. 

“I know enough about Christianity, and I don’t want to know more.”

People in the Uninterested stage may have Christian friends but see their friends’ faith practices as a way to be a good person. They do not see Christianity as necessary. The Uninterested may not be apathetic or avoidant toward Jesus, but more likely toward Christianity, the Church, or Christians.

What people in Uninterested say

“I don’t struggle. I don’t feel a need to become religious.”

“Just because I am not going to church and not baptized doesn’t mean I am going to go to hell.” 

“Nobody has come up to me and told me you need to be a Christian, because you’re missing out on this and this…I don’t think I am missing out on anything, I hope not.”

“People should give to the poor and not to a church or a temple.”

“I know enough about Christianity and do not want to know more.”


Those in Uninterested are typically aware of Christianity on some level but are genuinely uninterested in learning more.

Rather, the goals of those in Uninterested are:

  • Be happy
  • Prosper financially
  • Provide for my family
  • Improve my mental health
  • Be a good person
Awareness of Christianity
Knowledge about Christianity
Openness to engaging about spiritual topics
Interest in religion
Likelihood of knowing a Christian

Insights & attributes

Religion is Irrelevant

May be disinterested in spirituality/religion in general, and Christianity is a part of that.

View of Christians

Tend to have a neutral view of Christians, neither positive or negative. Skeptical of organized religion but may be open to Jesus.

Spiritual/Religious Questions

Thinking about spiritual or religious questions is very low/infrequent.

Christianity is Irrelevant

No curiosity about Christianity. Nothing unique or fascinating about Christianity (or religion in general).

Familiarity with Christianity

Have some familiarity with Christianity through friends/family, shows/movies, media, but may have very little information or misinformation on Christianity.

Intentional Decision

Have decided that Christianity is not for them.

Where and why people move


If someone moves in to this stage intentionally, or is intentionally dechurched, they are unlikely to move out of this stage.

Movement to Hostile

May become Hostile due to negative interactions with Christians or if they have negative thoughts about Christian worldviews.

Develop Trust

May move to Open when they can trust their more casual friends who are Christians.

Freedom to Explore

May move to Open when they have freedom to explore Christianity on their own terms instead of being coerced.

Engage this stage with patience and respect

  • Pause and reflect on the insights about those in Uninterested.  Ask God to deepen your empathy and love for those in Uninterested.
  • Pray that God would begin to spark a curiosity in their hearts in the way that only He can. Pray that this would be the start of them taking a step toward Open. 
  • Those who are in Uninterested are typically there by intentional choice. How could you seek to understand their journey without an agenda and show them respect and care in the process? 
  • Those in Uninterested are not seeking or curious. With this reality in mind, what offers do you have for this person, or what offers do you need to create that will help this person in their journey? 
  • Events on topics related to their goals may appeal to them if they DO NOT bait and switch. 
  • For any movement toward openness to occur, this person seems to need to either know authentic Christians or be allowed to explore Christianity on their own without pressure. How can you help meet this need?
  • If they begin to show openness, how can you give them ways to explore their questions independently and in their own time? 



  • It is tempting to think that those in Uninterested are secretly Open or Seeking. They are not, so creating ministry offers assuming that they are seeking will likely not be effective. 
  • Information and proclamation about Jesus alone will not move the Uninterested. 
  • Do not get impatient with those who are Uninterested. If they want to stick around, let them. Even when they are not showing signs of moving. 
  • Continue to engage with the Uninterested with patience and respect. Resist the temptation to get defensive about Christianity. You can acknowledge their lived experience and empathize with them. 

Experiments, Tactics & Studies

Solutions and resources that have been created or used to better understand or reach this audience.
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