
Identify both with Christianity and another world religion
and/or a non-religious belief system.

What people in Dual say

“One thing is for sure, there is a higher being/God. And we as men have [blocked] the right teaching because of our own tainted thoughts and struggles.  The truth has been lost, and it is up to us to find it for ourselves before our time is up.” 

“While I do believe in God and that’s one god…I also identify as roughly pagan…practicing Wicca and certain magical practices as well as divination…I have no idea what will happen once you die.” 

“I practice [both] Christianity and other belief systems, as I feel that [they all have] something in common that reaches my heart and I feel that [that is the] right thing to do.”


  • Identify as Christian but typically pray independently and do not attend church.
  • More active in privately practicing another religion or belief system.
  • If or when they do attend a church, it is to become a better, more moral person. 
Awareness of Christianity
Knowledge about Christianity
Openness to engaging about spiritual topics
Interest in religion
Likelihood of knowing a Christian

Insights & attributes

Being Good

View Christianity as a help to being a good, moral person who is respectful of others.

Exclusivity in Identity

Genuinely identify as a Christian. The differentiator is that they don't exclusively identify as a Christian.

More Research Needed

More research is needed to better understand this stage.

Where and why people move

No Christian Community

Not having access to a healthy Christian community where they can ask questions and explore.

No Freedom to Explore

Not having access to safe spaces where they can explore Christianity on their own terms.

Move to Profession or Growing

Typically move to Professing or Growing when they begin to identify exclusively as a Christian.

Meaningful Community

Movement toward Professing typically happens within the context of a loving, trusted community setting.

Engage this stage with curiosity and humility

  • People in Dual may not understand the real and exclusive gospel of Christ - ask God to open their eyes.
  • It may be easy to get frustrated with a person in Dual because they identify as Christians and something else. Ask God to be able to see them with His eyes and love them.
  • This person is relying on their own understanding as they make sense of the complex world around them. Pray that they would experience the limits of their ability to make sense of the world apart from the Holy Spirit. 
  • Pray that they would be overwhelmed by the wonder and mystery of the gospel and recognize that Jesus is the one, true God.
  • As you talk with someone and sense they may be in Dual, it will be helpful to find ways to clarify that. The gospel and its implications are not clear to a person in the Dual stage.
  • In addition, a person in Dual may engage in activities and practices that a Growing or Engaged Christian would. If you engage with them as if they're in Growing while they're actually in Dual, there will be a miss. 
  • Look for ways to help them understand the exclusivity of Christ and His desire that all would be saved through Him. 
  • Look for opportunities to engage in conversations about the incompatibility of their contradictory belief systems. You may be able to tactfully help them see what the gospel says about Jesus being the only way. However, avoid a posture of combativeness or forcing a conversation they are not ready to have.
  • Remember, this may be a short or long process! 
  • By definition, a dual person misunderstands the exclusivity of the Gospel. While it is easy to judge them for that, it is usually better to patiently and lovingly show them that Jesus is the only way, not just one of the ways.
  • Be patient - they may know the information, but believing it may take a long time and prayers.
  • A person in this category may be compelled by his or her misunderstanding that a “loving God” would not exclude or condemn anyone. Look for ways to help them understand the heart and character of our loving God. 
  • Be aware of the temptation to take on a posture of argument and debate with a person in this stage. Make sure that your approach is motivated by love and communicated in a way that they can experience the love of God through you. 

Experiments, Tactics & Studies

Solutions and resources that have been created or used to better understand or reach this audience.
Add your own item below by submitting a proposal

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